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Voting Open Now! Election Ends 5/31/2022

Fa-Gore of Knor
Game Pronouns: He/Him
Mundane Name: Tyler Gale
Mundane Pronouns: He/Him
My Name is Tyler Gale but I prefer Fa-Gore. I've been involved with battle games for 11 years starting when I was 16. I was a founding member of the Knor chapter and served as VP and President. My other hobbies include Magic the gathering, Lifting weights, DnD, and aggressive music.
What makes you qualified for the position of President of Hearthlight?
I've been involved in battle games in one way or another for 11 years, including as VP and president for the Knor Chapter. Am I a suitable man for the job? Who knows? I am going to try my best and find out though.
Knor started in a small town with a couple of high school kids and has grown exponentially. As with many chapters attendance wanes and at one point Knor was at the point of death. I would stand every week at the park no matter what, for the 0 - 2 people that would show up. This act of commitment led to bigger and bigger practices. This led to old members coming back, strangers becoming members, and even outside organizations including The Venture Scouts contacting us.
Constantly showing up and banging your head against the wall is a way to go forward. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of finished, as long as things are moving forward you will make it.
Two goals I would like Hearthlight to have is a National Insurance system similar to that of the SCA, and text alerts sent to your phone when membership is about to expire.
A national insurance plan would increase the number of venues we as an organization could use while also lightening the burden on individual chapters and event organizers. I believe investigating this as a possibility is worthwhile, even if we as an org decide against it after research is completed.
I would also like text alerts sent to us when membership is about to expire. If shady scammers, pre-workout companies, and politicians can text me whenever, then Hearthlight should be able to as well.
I hope you consider me when voting for Hearthlight President.
About the Position
So what is the President of Hearthlight and how do we elect one? Let’s review...
Q: What does the President do?
A: Quoting from the Hearthlight Governance Doc:
The Executive Officers are the backbone of Hearthlight’s governance. Most day-to-day national leadership will be managed by the Executive Officers. They review and approve the Bylaws of new Chapters, manage funds, conduct community outreach (especially through a web presence), maintain safety considerations, handle disputes between Chapters and Members, and coordinate national events.
The Hearthlight President serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Hearthlight, Inc. The President:
Has a service term of two (2) years, and may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms
Is elected by the Membership
Carries out goals determined by the Board of Directors (BoD)
Presides over National Council Meetings, by
Creating Agendas for these meetings
Disseminating announcements regarding said meetings
Coordinates with the other Executive Officers (VP, Chapter Relations, Treasurer, Web Admin, Secretary, Public Relations, etc.)
Q: Who is eligible to run for President?
A: Those who meet these criteria:
Have been long-standing members of Hearthlight (our governance document recommends 2 years in the game)
Have been nominated, and accepted that nomination
Are running for only one elected office
Have submitted a “why am I qualified?” form to the office of Secretary of Hearthlight
Rules and Policies

No active Rules and Policy proposals
Important Dates
Results of Recent Votes
President -
Fa-Gore of Knor (Tyler Gale)
100% For / 0% Against
Policy Update -
Treatise of War Playtesting Policy
88.2% For / 11.8% Against
President -
Sir^3 Cermit D Frogknight Wyndhaven of Tir Asleen (William Pearsall)
100% For / 0% Against
Rule Change -
Removal of maximum armor thickness
100% For / 0% Against
Rule Change -
Light armor definition update
85% For / 15% Against
Policy Document Change -
Hate Speech and Pagan Symbols
74% For / 26% Against
Policy Document Change -
Fundraising Policy
94% For / 6% Against
Safety and Dicipline Policy -
93% For / 7% Against
Chapter Polices -
Event Requirement
93.5% For / 7% Against
Chapter Policies -
National Financing
76% For / 24% Against
Vice President -
Ryer of Barenheim (Adam Leofsky)
100% For / 0% Against