As we all emerge from hibernation this spring and start seeing hope from vaccination programs, the Hearthlight leadership team has been fielding a number of questions about how to join our organization, both personally and as a chapter. Here are some (relatively up-to-date) resources on how to do those things! You can also connect with us on Hearthlight Community on Facebook or #the-hearth on Discord and ask us questions as you have them!
Becoming a Member
You don't have to be in an active Chapter of Hearthlight to become a member of the national organization. This page on the website will walk you through the process.
Chapterless Organization
Many members of the Hearthlight Community participate from wherever they are - even if they don't have other folks around to be in a Chapter together. This blog post talks about a recent Chapterless online meet up as well as the basics of joining the Chapterless community.
What does it mean to be a Hearthlight Chapter?
This blog post talks about the basic responsibilities of Chapters and some of the benefits of joining.
Starting a Chapter
If you read about being a Chapter and have decided it's a good fit for you and your local community, Founding President Ray Witte (Sir Urdok Ironhand) wrote this blog post that describes the process of starting a new Chapter or bringing an existing organization into Hearthlight.
Chapter Responsibilities
In August of 2020 the organization voted to enact Chapter responsibilities for Active status around the holding of Chapter meetings, activities, and events and the submission of funds. Here's that policy document.
Chapter Leadership
Hearthlight as an organization relies on local leadership of each Chapter to make this game work for you and your community. This blog post covers two kinds of local leadership, Regional Vice President (also known as Chapter Admin) and Hearthlight National Council Chapter Representative.
Contact Us Did we miss any questions that you had? Drop us a line on Facebook, Discord, or email us at