With VP elections kicking off any day, now is the time to ensure that your membership is fully up to date. Having an active membership is a requirement to participate in any Hearthlight election process.
First, check on your status. In the banner of the Hearthlight website mouse over "Play" and choose the "Become a Member" option from the dropdown.
If you are logged in this will take you to the Become a Member page. If your membership is up to date you will see this banner.
If you do not see this banner, you will need to resubmit your application. This should be done each year in order to maintain active status. If you are already a member the fields should be populated already. Simply scroll down and take a moment to change any information that is in error and then hit the "Submit Application" button.
Once you have submitted an application, the page will reload and you should see a new banner saying that your current status is Pending. Once your application is approved it will change to the green "Active" status.